Bonjour et Bravo , si vous voyez cette page c’est que vous nous rejoignez . MERCI
Enjoy as it’s probably the last time we communicate in English together ^^
This page page has been created in order to answer to frequent asked questions in order to help getting organized.
How to come to us
We come to pick you up at the train station of AURILLAC
To book your train go to : SNCF Connect : Réservez vos billets SNCF, bus et covoiturage ( (
We come to pick you up at the Airport . AURILLAC airport. They are mostly providing planes from Paris to Aurillac. I personally use Google Flight to look for plane tickets
You are VIP , the course start at 2pm and finish at 2 pm (example : 20 October 2pm to 25 October 2pm). Feel free to arrive and leave the same day or STAY FOR FREE and arrive and leave the day before and after.
We take care of the transportation, will drive around together, pick you and bring you back at the airport or train station.
We take care of the transportation but of course you are welcome to rent a car. Plenty of companies, easiest way being to rent at the airport. Great if you want to drive around by yourself.
The House
A friend of mine who owns a Bed and Breakfast for over 30 years told me to precise, even if you already got it. This is not an hotel. But an house, we call it ” Le Manoir de Lacalmontie”. From the 17 century. So nothing is standard, accomodations are different, and from different size. We do the 1st to book, 1st to pick the bedroom.
YES, you will have your own bedroom, there are 3 bathrooms, 2 toilets so you will be fine ^^ We want you to feel like home as if you had a French country house 🙂
Everywhere ! We have the Manoir, 12 acres with a forest , and 2 barns, one is a gym. You can have access 24/7 to the entire place, kitchen …
I need French lessons
No stress,every student who sign up feel the same. That’s the goal, to improve. We will be speaking 100% French for sure but with lessons, and vocabulary… It well be natural !
We still offer online sessions so feel free to ask us about it.
I don't walk much
It’s ok ^^ Just be aware, we will still plan a ” walk and talk”, a small hike in the village, a town tour of Aurillac also, if you are having trouble, we will adapt and do our best to offer an option for you. Also, we have 1 smaller bedroom downstairs , there is a toilet downstairs too only the bathroom is upstairs, so feel free to let us know.
What is included , what is not
Free course as a group before you come, in order to get to know each other and talk French 🙂
Dinner we prepare together
Lessons (2 h a day)
Activities ( bakery course, visits of town, market for example …)
Fun and frienship ^^
Restaurant at noon
If you have special requests, will do our best to help you purchase a service or product of course ^^
Can I bring a friend ?
This VIP program goes up to 5 students, so it can be nice to bring a friend. Well anyway, share your joy on Facebook, will appreciate it. For any friend you recommand we offer a FREE online 1 on 1 session … And a smile ^^ You can also share our whatsapp directly +33 642017563

If you have any question, please let me know, will do my best to answer and even add it here ^^
A bientôt